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Tips for Safe Camping with Your Dog

When vacation time is approaching, most certainly you don’t want to leave your dog behind. For very many dog owners, dogs are members of the family. So, enjoying a vacation together is a must for many people that have dogs in their families.

If you love camping, you should know that this is a great opportunity to bring your dog along. Dogs love it in the outdoors, but they will love even more to be at your side at all times. However, you should make this kind of experiences safe both for the dogs and everybody else as well. The following tips are made to help you enjoy safe camping with your dog, no matter where you choose to go.

  • Choose the camping site well

In case you want to camp in a special camping site and not out in the wilderness, you should choose the site well. Don’t assume all campsites accept pets. You may have the unpleasant surprised to not be allowed on the camping site with your dog. So, before you hit the road, make sure the campsite you are about to visit is pet-friendly. If you are a bit more adventurous, backcountry camping is always an option, especially if you don’t seem to find a pet-friendly campsite around.

  • Have your dog checked by a vet prior to the departure

Make sure you schedule a visit to the vet’s office with your dog before you leave home. It is recommended to make sure your dog has no health issues. If there’s something you didn’t notice at home and the problem aggravates while camping, it will be very hard to manage the situation. Even if your dog is healthy, the vet will help you update its flea and tick medication. It is quite easy for your dog to collect parasites when out in the open, so make sure it is properly protected.

  • Equip your car with a pet-friendly first aid kit

Even if you already have a regular first aid kit, you should get one for your dog as well. First aid kits dedicated for humans will not provide what you need to take proper care of your dog in an emergency situation. Such a kit can be easily found in pet stores or you can ask your vet about it. Also, with the help of the vet, you can create your own pet first aid kit. Ideally, you should read about how to manage emergency situations, such as chocking. Thus, you will know what to do and how to use your pet first aid kit.

  • Make sure to pack a leash, stake, and dog waste bags

Besides the essentials, like water and food bowl, and the dog’s food, you should also take the leash, a stake, and special waste bags. Certain campsites will request you to walk the dog on a leash around the premises. Also, there may be situations when your dog should be kept around your camping area, so a stake will keep it from running away. Even if your dog is obedient and calm and does well without a leash, you will have to respect the rules of the campsite. Not to mention that regardless if you’re on a campsite or camping backcountry, you should always collect the waste of your dog. Camping is a great past time activity, but we should all show respect toward nature.

  • Shop for portable items

Pet stores provide portable water and food bowls, destined to suit the need of active dog owners. These items are much easier to transport and carry around than regular bowls. After all, when camping you won’t sit just around your tent. You will want to explore the area and enjoy some hiking as well. So, portable items can be easily packed and are highly practical, giving you the chance to offer your dog food and water no matter where you are.

  • Figure out where your dog will sleep

You will definitely need to consider this part. Everybody should have a safe and comfortable sleeping area at night. So, it is up to you if you allow the dog to sleep inside the tent with you or you will find another spot for it. It can be in a crate or anywhere else you consider suitable, as long as it is safe and comfortable. Just bear in mind that this is something you need to think about before leaving home. This way, you’ll be properly prepared and everybody will rest well.

  • Check on your dog’s response to commands

You probably don’t use too many commands in your backyard, but they are necessary on a campsite. You need to make sure your dog is obedient and will come when called or heel when you ask it. So, it is not such a bad idea to rehearse such commands, making sure your dog still reacts well to them. Just do try them out in the park or in areas with distractions as well. This is the best way to get your dog to listen to you, no matter what is going on around it.

  • You may need some hiking items for your dog as well

Depending on the weather and terrain you are going to explore, you should make sure your dog is properly equipped. A special dog backpack, a raincoat, and a set of special dog shoes will keep your loyal companion safe at all times. Walking on hot and sharp rocks, for example, can easily harm the dog’s paws. Also, if rain catches you on the hiking trail, it would be great for both of you to be equipped with an adequate raincoat. Don’t ignore a collar with lights either. This item is extremely useful in the dark, helping you spot your dog with ease. And since it can get very dark in the woods, such a collar is more than recommended.

  • You don’t have a dog just yet?

Camping with a dog can be extremely fun and rewarding. Dogs are highly loyal creatures and will love spending time in the outdoors for you. If you are an active person that loves camping and hiking, you should get a dog that is suitable for this type of adventures. A Chihuahua, for example, may not be such a good option because it can be quite fragile. But, you can always opt for a Bernedoodle instead. Check out these Mini Bernedoodle Puppies and find the ideal pup for you. The Bernedoodle is a gentle, medium-sized dog, suitable for an indoor living while being able to tackle outdoor adventures as well.

Now that you know what to do to make camping with your dog safe, it’s time to plan your next adventure. Most certainly you will gain amazing memories with your loyal partner. The best part is that both of you will enjoy the outdoors and each other’s companionship, so it will definitely be a successful vacation.

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